Tuesday 23 August 2011

Urbanization and labor issue

One solution to reduce the density of people is transmigration. The example is urbanization which is the movement from rural area to urban area. Many less developed countries sent their people to work in urban area. It can increase the national income because they receive salary from the other countries. However, it also produces another issue which is social problem. Many immigrant workers are treated so badly by the boss. There are a lot of cases of maid being abused. The example is in Singapore, many Indonesian workers try to run away from the place where they work as the boss assaults them or physically rude. Another issue is the regulations of immigrant workers, like they cannot go to church, temple, etc. The government doesn’t consider about the human rights. It is really a big issue because many workers commit suicide as they can not survive of this live. Overall, urbanization has advantages and disadvantages. It can reduce the density of people, increasing the national income, but in the other hand it effected in big social issues.
Another issue is the use of massive labors for export zone. Many less developed countries such as Tahiti and Philippine are using their labors to produce a huge amount of export goods. Workers can work for 72 hours per week. Although it can increase the income of their nation, however it results in social issues. It can happen when a nation has high standard of living, but the quality of life is low. It is because people are stressed and human rights are not considered. Like in this case, the workers are stressed because the salary is not enough and they have to work all day long. Many workers commit suicide so that the company can give the earnings to the family. Even though it looks like the nation are full employed, but it still not good for the quality of live, therefore the nation cannot be categorized as a developed country. But still, it must be this way. Because when every country have become developed country, who does the LCDs works?

Nuclear power for better life

Nowadays scientists are searching for new energy resources to support the world development. And the solution for recently high demand of energy is nuclear power. Not like the other resources, nuclear doesn't produce waste so much (greenhouse gases), therefore it doesn't pollute the environment. Moreover, nuclear generates a huge amount of energy, so we can use it to develop more, for our future generation. However, there are also disadvantages of using nuclear energy. It costs so expensive to build a nuclear power plant. Therefore it is hardly possible for LDCs to use nuclear energy. As we know, nuclear also very harmful. Like in Chernobyl, once there is a mistake in processing nuclear, it is so reactive that it can explode. Building a nuclear power plant is like planting a big bomb in the middle of the country, i can say so because it has risk in using nuclear. After tsunami stroke Japan, it quickly paralyzes the nation as the result of nuclear radiation. After the power plant damaged, the radiation spreads at the same time causes cancer and other diseases. People must move away from the radiation, use mask to cover their mouth, etc. Japan can not export their food as it is also affected by the radiation. Nuclear energy is harmful but in the other hand, we can rely to it for the future.