Tuesday 28 June 2011

review 2

The story is about Taiji, which is the biggest supplier of dolphin in the world. They slaughter about 23.000 dolphins a year in a very cruel way. This is absolutely wrong and it can deliver the dolphins into extinction. But even most of the people against it, Japan’s government are still continuing  and they also cover this information from the Japanese citizen. Japanese said that it’s their culture. They also blame whale and dolphin for the decline of fishing, as they eat too much. They also pay the participant in International Whaling Commission.
For me, all of this are absolutely wrong. Dolphin is a self-awareness creature. They can fell an sense like human. Beside that, they are human’s friends which is very innocent. Japanese cannot just kill them for profit, because we have to protect them from extinction too. We can’t avoid that Japan is the country with high need of protein. But they should consider about the life continuance of sea creatures. Moreover, dolphins are containing mercury. Then why should they eat dolphin’s meat?

review 1

Review of South Park (Whale Wars)
First of all, even it’s just a comedy, there are a lot of deep message that we can get. The story is about Japanese people that always slaughter dolphins and whales. Then a hero comes and changes all of that chaos.
For me personally, I definitely don’t agree with what Japanese do. In the end of the story, we can fin that Japanese are easy to misled and they are ignorant. The story also depicts that Americans assume that Japanese are stupid. They kill dolphins and whales cruelly and without a clear purpose.
However, nobody cares about this trouble and dolphins are closer to the extinction. Whale wars also just concern about increasing the rating, not to the issue itself. Beside that, it is very hard against the Japanese as the government also supporting the dolphin slaughtering. They even want to sacrifice themselves in order to kill a whale.

Why study geography?

All of human beings need to study geography as geography is the science that contains the study about earth, all of the creatures that live in it, environment around it, and the phenomena of it. As far as i concern, it is very important to know the condition of our earth. Morover, by learning Geography, we can conserve our nature which is very important for human's life.
First found by Eratosthenes, Geography provide almost all of the factor that support the continuance of the earth, such as pedology, hydrology, anthropology, etc. By studying this, human can build the bridge toward the better way of earth cultivation. In other hand, Geography also study about the pollution and damage that human has made, therefore we know how to repair and prevent it.
As the conclusion, Geography is that important science because it study about our home, earth, how to protect, fix, and develop it. It depends on the human themselves, to be care of our earth by learning geography and apply it.