Tuesday 28 June 2011

review 1

Review of South Park (Whale Wars)
First of all, even it’s just a comedy, there are a lot of deep message that we can get. The story is about Japanese people that always slaughter dolphins and whales. Then a hero comes and changes all of that chaos.
For me personally, I definitely don’t agree with what Japanese do. In the end of the story, we can fin that Japanese are easy to misled and they are ignorant. The story also depicts that Americans assume that Japanese are stupid. They kill dolphins and whales cruelly and without a clear purpose.
However, nobody cares about this trouble and dolphins are closer to the extinction. Whale wars also just concern about increasing the rating, not to the issue itself. Beside that, it is very hard against the Japanese as the government also supporting the dolphin slaughtering. They even want to sacrifice themselves in order to kill a whale.

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